ePACT For Organizations

Spreadsheet Instructions - Hockey and Sports Associations
A spreadsheet is the most efficient way to add your members to your ePACT account!  1) Export a member list out of your registration system as a spreads...
Thu, 14 Nov, 2019 at 8:42 AM
How can I delete a shared file that has been uploaded to a member's record?
In order to delete a shared file that has been uploaded to a member's record by your organization, please follow the steps outlined below: 1) Click ...
Thu, 14 Nov, 2019 at 8:47 AM
Phone Numbers for Voice and Text Communications
ePACT's Communication Tools allow our organizations and communities to reach their members and residents as quickly as possible. If you've shared yo...
Thu, 14 Nov, 2019 at 8:47 AM
What if there is a contentious family issue and I need to create 2 records for one child?
ePACT prompts parents or legal guardians to add the other(s) on step 3 Family Info, and asks them if they are at the same address. If they indicate "No...
Thu, 14 Nov, 2019 at 8:51 AM
Can I filter members by their group start date?
Yes, you can filter for members in a group with a particular start date. In fact, you can filter by Group Start Date, Date Submitted and/or Date Downloaded....
Thu, 14 Nov, 2019 at 8:52 AM
How do I enable and schedule auto-reconfirms?
Our automated reconfirms will automatically send a reconfirmation request to anyone who you would like to have review their information! For these members, ...
Mon, 11 May, 2020 at 10:41 AM
How do I enable and schedule auto-reminders?
Auto-reminders make it even easier and faster for you to collect emergency information and waivers from your members. Enable auto-reminders at anytime to re...
Thu, 14 Nov, 2019 at 8:55 AM
How can we add baseline assessments to ePACT records?
You can add baseline and SCAT baseline assessments in 2 ways: 1. The parent attaches it - this means both you and the parent can view it. Instructions ar...
Thu, 14 Nov, 2019 at 10:11 AM
How do I fix undelivered emails?
The Updates & Reports box will alert you if there are any undelivered email invitations or reminders.  1. Click View to filter which members have un...
Thu, 14 Nov, 2019 at 10:12 AM
How do I invite members?
When you have more than one members in To Be Invited status you can use the Quick Tasks box to send invites to all of them at once.  1. Make sure you...
Thu, 14 Nov, 2019 at 10:13 AM