The Upload Type you select will depend on the type of spreadsheet you're adding.
Add New: Select this option if you are uploading a list of new members/administrators. Do not select this option if your spreadsheet includes existing members.
Full Sync: Use this option if you want your ePACT database to be an exact replica of your spreadsheet. Anyone NOT in your spreadsheet will be disconnected. Select this option if you are uploading a full list of all your active members.
Partial Sync: This upload is based on the groups listed in your spreadsheet. It will add and remove any members from the groups listed in the spreadsheet but will ignore any groups not in the spreadsheet. This option will not disconnect members from your database. Select this option if you are only uploading a partial list of your members.
Custom Upload: This will allow you to create your own upload as needed by selecting only the action needed. Select this option if you need to do only one action as it will be quicker than a full upload.
- Add New: Add new members/administrators.
- Edit Info: Edit members'/administrators' name, email, addresses and category (session/division).
- Add to Groups: Add members/administrators to all groups they are assigned in the spreadsheet.
- Sync groups according to the members in the spreadsheet: Remove members in the spreadsheet from all groups UNLESS they are assigned to a group in your spreadsheet. Members that are not listed in your spreadsheet will be ignored.
- Sync groups according to the groups in the spreadsheet: Remove members from the groups they are not assigned to in the spreadsheet. Groups that are not listed in your spreadsheet will be ignored.
- Disconnect members/Remove Admins NOT in the spreadsheet: Disconnect members/administrators who are not listed in the spreadsheet. Administrators will be removed from the organization, revoking their access to records.
Generally, you would decide on your upload type when you are preparing your list for the first time. If you need further assistance, please contact us at