Reviewing the validation results for your spreadsheet upload is incredibly important to ensure there are no errors for your member records in your ePACT account. Here are the most common mistakes to look for:


Changing Names:

Problem: A large percentage of members will have their names changed. This often means that the first name or last name column (or both) in your spreadsheet are misaligned in comparison to the Member ID column. Many members will now have the wrong name assigned to their record in your account (e.g. The name will display as Bob Smith but the information is actually for John Adams).

How to check: Open the spreadsheet you are uploading. Copy and paste a few of the Member IDs into the search box in your ePACT account. If the names do not match between your ePACT account and the spreadsheet, there is an error with your spreadsheet.

How to correct the problem: Export your spreadsheet from your registration system again. Before uploading the spreadsheet, copy and paste a few of the Member IDs into the search box in your ePACT account to ensure the names match. If the names do match, try your upload again.


Adding Emails:

Problem: A large percentage of your members will have additional email addresses added to their record. This often means that one of the email columns in your spreadsheet is misaligned in comparison to the Member ID column, so many members will have incorrect email addresses assigned to their record in your account.

How to check: Open the spreadsheet you are uploading. Search for a few of the members in your registration system to confirm if the emails listed in the spreadsheet are correct. If the emails do not match up, there is an error with your spreadsheet.

How to correct the problem: Export your spreadsheet from your registration system again. Before uploading the spreadsheet, search for a few of the members in your registration system to ensure that the email addresses match. If the emails do match, try your upload again.


Creating New Groups:

Problem: If you have already added your programs or teams to ePACT as groups and your spreadsheet is creating new groups for the same programs or teams, the names you've used for the programs or teams do not match what is already in your ePACT account. For example, if your existing team in ePACT is called Bantam 1 but the team in your spreadsheet is called Bantam A, this spreadsheet is going to create a duplicate group for the same team. The problem with this is that administrators who are attached to the existing group will not have access to the most up to date roster for the program or team, leaving them without information for members they are responsible for.
Note: If this is your first time adding programs or teams to your ePACT account, creating lots of new groups is the expected behaviour.

How to check: Open the spreadsheet you are uploading and the Groups tab in your ePACT account. Check to see if the groups in your spreadsheet are already in ePACT, but with a different group name.

How to correct the problem: Use the existing group names in your ePACT account to replace the group names in your spreadsheet. For example, if the team is called Bantam 1 in ePACT but Bantam A in your spreadsheet, replace all Bantam A rows in your spreadsheet with Bantam 1.


Disconnected Members:

Problem: Members are being disconnected who are still enrolled in your programs.

How to check:
1) Open the spreadsheet you are uploading to see if it contains all of the members that should be in your ePACT account. If it is missing members, export the spreadsheet from your registration system again with the correct filters to include all your members.
 2) If you are only making updates for a portion of your active members (e.g. it only includes one division in the hockey association, or only after school care while you still have summer camps in ePACT) you should NOT select the Disconnect option when uploading your spreadsheet. If you have selected the Disconnect option in error, cancel your spreadsheet upload and try it again without selecting the Disconnect option.

If your validation results aren't what you expect please be sure to cancel the validation and double check your spreadsheet. If you are unable to determine what the issue is, please contact your account manager or email us at