Please use the following steps to upload a spreadsheet of your administrators.
1. Create a spreadsheet file (.csv, .xls, or .xlsx). You might be able to export one from your registration software (this will depend on the registration system you use and how you organize your group administrators). You can download a spreadsheet template here.
2. Ensure the following headers are in your spreadsheet:
- First name
- Last name
- Admin ID (if you do not have an Admin ID please use the administrator's email address)
- Phone (Optional)
- Group (if your groups have already been created, please be sure that the names of the groups in the administrator spreadsheet are an exact match to the names of the groups that are already in the system)
3. Manipulate the data in your spreadsheet to ensure it uploads as expected.
4. Save your spreadsheet in a compatible format (.xlsx, .xls, or .csv).
Are you uploading a CSV file? If so, please be sure to use UTF-8 encoding.
5. Log into your ePACT account, go to your dashboard, and then go to the Administrators tab. Click +Add Administrators, then Upload Group Administrators. (You can also upload a list of Org Administrators, if needed)
6. Click Browse, select the file from your computer, click Open, then click Pick Upload Type.
7. Select your Upload Type.
8. Click View Validation Status.
9. Click Download Validation Report.
10. Review your Validation Report.
11. If you are satisfied with your validation, check the box next to I am satisfied with the results of my spreadsheet validation, and click Upload Spreadsheet.
12. Your spreadsheet is now being uploaded. Click View Dashboard to return to your dashboard.
13. You will receive an email once the upload process is completed.
If your validation results aren't what you expect please be sure to cancel the validation and double check your spreadsheet. If you are unable to determine what the issue is, please contact your account manager or email us at