Why are there duplicates in ePACT?

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Duplicates can occur if there are multiple records in your registration system or if a parent selects the same child twice instead of selecting their sibling. 

When there are duplicates in your registration system - you can fix them with instructions below:

ePACT will identify possible duplicates, allowing parents (or legal guardians) to reconfirm their child’s information without getting a Permission Denied error. The Duplicate status allows Organization and Group Administrators to quickly see when there is a duplicate record in ePACT. They will then be able to merge the duplicates in your registration system. This will ensure the member is added to the correct groups.

For Example:

1. Parent registers Child 1 for Week 3 of camps and receives an ePACT request which they complete and submit.

2. Parent (or organization) registers Child 1 for Week 6 of camps but uses a different login in your registration system and receives another ePACT request - they will now be able to re-select the same child and review the info they submitted in an automatic reconfirmation flow. 

If Both Records are in ALL MEMBER RECORDS:

  • Members will have the same name and email, but NOT the same Member ID. 

  • Parents will receive a new request and once they select the same child, ePACT will push them through a reconfirm process from their initial submission. 
  • Once they share the record again, the date submitted will be updated.  
  • The duplicate request will change to a Duplicate status in All Member Records.

If Both Records are split between ALL MEMBER RECORDS & DISCONNECTED TABS:

Most times, this occurs year over year. So the Disconnected record was submitted in 2019, but the new invite is from 2020, meaning the parent needs to review as there are likely new waivers and the data may be quite old. 

  • Members will have the same name and email, but NOT the same Member ID. 

  • Members will receive a new request and once they select the same child, ePACT will push them through a reconfirm process from their initial submission. 
  • ePACT will automatically move the record in Disconnected back into the All Member Records tab.
  • The duplicate request will change to a Duplicate status in All Member Records.

Next Actions

Keeping the Member ID of the Submitted Record

Organizations MUST must merge the records on the registration system as this is the dominant system. If the Member ID they choose is the one for the submitted record, the "Duplicate" record will be moved to the Disconnected Tab on the next API call. 

Remember to "remove" these permanently periodically by visiting the Disconnected Tab, searching for the those in this status, selecting them and clicking on "Remove".

Keeping the Member ID of the Duplicate Record

If you opt to keep the Member ID of the Duplicate record- you'll need to update this on ePACT. 

1. Click on the Edit icon for the DUPLICATE record.

2. Copy the Member ID. 

3. Click on Cancel and then select the Duplicate record and then click on More Actions>Disconnect. You will be brought to the Disconnected Tab. If you don't see the Duplicate- please REFRESH your browser.

4. Select the Duplicate again and this time "Remove Member" and then say Yes.

5. Return to the All Member Records tab and this time click "Edit" on the Submitted Record.

6. Now paste the Member ID from the removed Duplicate file in the Member ID. Click on "Save".

7. On the next API call, this record will be added to all the groups this member is listed in your registration system. If you need to add them to a group immediately- please select them and click on More Actions>Add to Groups and then select the correct groups on the next page.