As part of being an admin for a SPORG, you will have access to completion reports, which gather detailed information from the status of records in each of your dashboards.

To view this, sign into your account, and click on 'My Organizations' at the top of the screen. You should see your Super Organization listed there, and then click the 'Manage' button next to it.

On the next screen, click the 'Completion Report' Button:

You should see a page like this:

The 'Completion Report for Super Organization' contains a count of the following:

Total number of members who have shared record - This is a count of how many members have completed and submitted their records to you, across all your dashboards.

Total number of members who have not shared record - This is a count of how many members still haven't completed and submitted their records to you, across all dashboards. This includes those with the status of: to be invited, invited, outstanding, duplicate or reconfirm.

Total number of members who use Paper Form - This is a count of how many members are using paper forms instead of submitting their information through ePACT.

Below that are completion reports for each individual organization in your super organization, with member submission breakdowns for that organization.

You also have the option to view submission breakdown data per group in each organization, by clicking the 'View Completion Report for Groups' button. It should look something like this: