As part of being an admin for a SPORG, you will have access to information from all of your 

ePACT dashboards combined, which is summed up in the 'Account Details' section of your SPORG dashboard.

To view this, sign into your account, and click on 'My Organizations' at the top of the screen. You should see your Super Organization listed there, and then click the 'Manage' button next to it.

You should see something like this on your screen:

The Account Details Page contains several counters including:

Total Unique Members - This is a count of how many unique members you have across all dashboards. Each member is only counted once, regardless of how many dashboards/programs they may be enrolled in. So for example, if a member is enrolled in an after school care program, and a daycamp program (separate dashboards), they would only be counted once on the unique member counter.

Number of Dashboards - This is a count of how many dashboards your organization currently has.

Total Completed Records - This is a count of how many members have completed and submitted their records to you, across all your dashboards.

Total Incomplete Records - This is a count of how many members still haven't completed and submitted their records to you, across all dashboards. This includes those with the status of: to be invited, invited, outstanding, duplicate or reconfirm.

Total Using Paper Forms - This is a count of how many members are using paper forms instead of submitting their information through ePACT.

Below the counter section is a listing of each dashboard in your organization, and how many members it contains. To see a breakdown of the submitted/incomplete/paper records for each dashboard, click the arrow to the left of the organization name.