How do I add a test member?

It's very easy to add and invite a new member and should take just a minute to do so.

1. Click on Add New Members>Add Manually.

2. Add the details and click submit. Please note that if you don't have a member ID, you can use their email. We recommend using a throw-away email that you're not using for personal use. Many email providers are available for free, such as Gmail or Outlook.

3. You can now either add more members - or click on "Return to Member Records". Additionally, you can add them to a group or select the member(s) in All Member Records and click on "More Actions>Add to group" and then select the corrects group(s).


4. Click on "Send Invites" to invite the newly added member. Furthermore, if you have any other members to be invited, they will show up here. 


How do I do a form review or check my waivers?

1. Go to the email inbox you used for the test, and click on Complete Request/Confirm Emergency Information

2. Log in/create an account

3. Run through all the steps- noting anything you wish to change

4. Complete the form and click on "Share" 

5. Return to your dashboard and find your test member. Click on "View" to see the PDF.

-If you need changes, please email and we'll get back to you soon.