How do I add a test member?

It's very easy to add and invite a new member and should take just a minute to do so.

1. Click on Add New Members>Add Manually.

2. Add the details and click submit. Please note that if you don't have a member ID, you can use their email. We recommend using a throw-away email that you're not using for personal use. Many email providers are available for free, such as Gmail or Outlook.

3. You can now either add more members - or click on "Invite Members Later". Additionally, you can add them to a group or select the member(s) and click on "More Actions>Add to group" and then select the corrects group/s.


4. Click on "Send Invites" to invite the newly added member. Furthermore, if you have any other members to be invited, they will show up here. 


How do I do a form review or check my waivers?

- Go to the email inbox you used for the test, and click on Complete Request/Confirm Emergency Information

- Log in/create an account

- Run through all the steps- noting anything you wish to change

- Complete the form and click on "Share" (note the example in below screenshot is just a test org)

-Return to your dashboard and find your test member. Click on "View" to see the PDF.

-If you need changes, please email and we'll get back to you soon.