In your spreadsheet upload, you'll be able to specify the Start Date and End Date for your groups in ePACT (e.g. specify the dates that a summer camp program runs).

The standard date format that ePACT accepts is mm/dd/yyyy, but if your spreadsheet has formatted the dates in a different way, you'll need to save the specific format in your Upload Settings.


1) Click on Organization Settings on your Administrator Dashboard

2) Click on Upload Settings in the left menu

3) There will be a field called 'Date Format' that allows you to specify a date as follows:


'd' or 'D' = day

eg. for June 13, 2017:

dd = "13"


'm' or 'M' = month

eg. for June 13, 2017:

mm = "06"

mmm = "Jun"

mmmm = June"


'y' or 'Y' = year

eg. for June 13, 2017:

yy = 17

yyyy = 2017

Punctuation and Spacing

You can include slashes, spaces and commas as needed.

e.g yyyy/mm/dd OR DD MMM YY OR mmmm dd, yyyy

Examples for June 13, 2017

If your spreadsheet displays the date as June 13, 2017, enter in mmmm dd,yyyy

If your spreadsheet displays the date as 13.06.17 enter in

If your spreadsheet displays the date as Jun 13 17 enter in mmm dd yy