Once you have registered your child with an organization that uses ePACT, you will get an email from that organization (via ePACT Network) asking you to complete the emergency information request for your child. There will be one invitation for each child registered.

For example:


Upon receipt of this email, click the orange Complete Request link.

From the web page, click the blue Create an account button and enter your first name, last name, email (the same email to which the invite was sent), password, and confirmed password. Accept the Terms of Use & Privacy Policy and select your preferred language of communication. Click the blue Sign Up button.



 A confirmation email will be sent from ePACT Network with the subject line Verify your email address.

For example:


Upon receipt of this email, click the orange Verify Email link.



Once the web page loads, login with the username and password used to create your ePACT account.


Upon login, you will be presented with a dialogue that requests you to accept the organization Invite for your child. If you do not see this dialogue, click the My Requests link in the top blue banner and locate the corresponding dialogue that way.

Click the green Accept button.


Click the blue Let’s Start button and go through each section of the form, making sure all required information is entered accurately.


In the final Complete Info section, initial and type your name as required and click the Share button.


Your information is now shared with the organization through ePACT.