We've added a new feature to our Health Screening questions, which will allow an admin to quickly answer 'No' to all health screening questions for a member. Here's how to enable it:

1. On your Organization's dashboard, click on 'Settings' in the upper right corner.

2. From the menu on the left, choose 'Check in check out'.

3. Under the 'Health Screening Questions' header, check the box next to 'Allow admin to select no to all questions in one go'.

4. Open the ePACT Admin App, making sure to Update Member Records (or this feature won't be available).

5. When checking a member in, you should now have a button at the bottom of the health questions which says 'No to all', clicking it will automatically answer 'No' to all of the health screening questions.

PLEASE NOTE: It may take up to 15 minutes for this option to appear in the app after it has been enabled in your dashboard. If you still aren't seeing it after waiting 15 minutes, make sure you've updated to the most current version of the app, and Updated Member Records.