This may have happened when you connected your emergency information with your spouse's account, if both of you entered emergency information for the same dependent. It may also happen if you already entered emergency information for your dependent, and then accepted a request to share information from an organization. 

In accepting a request to share info, your dependent's name should have appeared as an option to be selected or you can also select Start a new Record. 

To know which one to delete:

1. Click on each of your dependent's profiles by clicking on their name and Personal Profile. The correct one should show the organization name(s).

2. You can delete the other one by clicking on their name and then on Personal Profile. Make sure to double check that there is a (0) in the "My Organization" tab then click on Delete on the left hand side.

If each profile is connected to a different organization, please contact us at and our Customer Success team will assist you.