Please be advised that all legal guardians should be listed. However, if for custody reasons, you would like to remove a legal guardian that is connected to your shared dependents, please follow these steps:

1. From your My ePACT homepage, click on the dependent then click Personal Profile. 


If you have not yet completed and shared this dependent's record with an organization, please skip to step 5.

2. Scroll to the bottom of the page where you can see family members listed. Click Edit.



3. Click Edit/Remove, click Remove, and then click OK.

4. Click Save once you're done.

If you have not yet completed or shared your dependent's record:

 Click Complete Request.

6. Navigate to the Family Info step and click Edit/Remove, click Remove, and then OK.

7. Click Continue to move to the next step. Don't forget to finish all of the steps and share the record in the final step. 

The legal guardian should no longer be listed as this dependent's legal guardian. Repeat these steps if you want to remove them from all dependents.

If you would like to remove the legal guardian entirely from your My Household, please contact help desk, after completing the above steps, by emailing us at