While it is common for the power to go out, the internet offers the greatest up time over other communication channels, as proven in Hurricane Katrina in 2005, Japan’s 2011 earthquake and tsunami, and Super Storm Sandy in Fall 2012.

 To provide redundancy of information regardless of the situation, ePACT allows the following for all our users:


  • ePACT is easily accessible through any web connection via computer or mobile, so if your power is down in your home or work, you can still access ePACT through your smartphone anytime, anywhere.


  • Our App provides mobile access to the emergency information to organizations, even without internet or cell service. As long as the organization has logged in once, it will continue to have access to your information no matter what!


  • Users are encouraged to print off hard copies of their information for their home, office and/or car. Organizations can keep electronic or paper copies of members’ details with emergency supplies as backups on and offsite.