Yes, you can definitely use the app to email parents/emergency contacts. 

1. Login to the ePACT Admin App, go to the organization or group you wish to message and tap View member records. 

2. Click the Menu button in the top right corner 


3. Tap Member messaging. 

 3. Select if this is an emergency message. You can also select if you would like to include emergency and household contacts in addition to the parents/legal guardians which are selected by default.

Choose any combination of email, SMS, or voice as your message mode and tap Send Message.

Please note that the message will be sent instantly. There is no confirmation past this point or undo.


You can also email only a specific individual but you must have an email app installed on your device as this method does not the ePACT Admin App's messaging functionality.

1. Login to the ePACT Admin App, go to the organization or group you wish to message and tap View member records. 

Please note you can also access the member's record through a check in check out sheet.

2. Locate the child in question and tap their record.


3. Scroll down to FAMILY INFORMATION or further and locate the person you wish to email. Clicking on the URL link will launch your email app (if you have one installed) where you can compose and send your message. You can also phone this person as well.