To delete your account, please follow the steps below. 

Please note: Deleting your account is permanent and immediate. We will not be able to recover an account or account information (including uploaded forms) once it is deleted. 

1. Log in at

2. Click on your name in the top right corner and select Account Settings.

3. Scroll down to the Delete Account section at the bottom of the page and click Delete My Account

4. Please read what happens when you delete your ePACT account and then click Yes to proceed.

If you are someone's Emergency Contact you will be additionally asked how you would like your information to be treated in their account. 

5. Enter your password again and click Delete Account

6. Your account is now deleted, please take some time to share your reason for deleting your account.

If you have been invited to use ePACT by an organization or shared information with an organization in the past, please contact the organization directly to ensure they have the information required for your family members.